Journal entry file specifications

It’s that time again!

You said you wanted it, and you are going to get it. The Journal of Panoramic Imaging is set to be printed in December. But this depends on you! We are looking for articles and images to include. The deadline for everything is November 15, 2011. Members only please.

The must have articles:

  • Epson Pano Award winners: we need a file of your award winning image!
    • I’ll be sending an email to each of you winning photographers… you know who you are
  • Winners of the contest in Gatlinburg: ditto!
  • Articles of technology, DIY or other camera ideas, hacks or otherwise cool things you may be doing.

When sending us files for the Journal of Panoramic Imaging, be sure to follow these simple steps to ensure timely publication.


  1. Format your photography correctly: Long edge not larger than 11 inches @ 300 dpi
  2. Name your images correctly: Title of your image_yourname.jpg. Example: SedonaSnow_DawnSnow.jpg


  1. Text files or docs only.
  2. No formatting
  3. No hard line breaks, except to break for a paragraph.
  4. Please do not put extra spaces after a sentence. (Typographically speaking, it is unnecessary to do so and is a vestige of the typewriter days.)
  5. Please do not put any extra carriage returns or spaces between your paragraphs.
  6. Please do not insert your images in your article. Send them separately.
  7. Notate within your article where you want your image to appear. When more than one image is used, make sure your placement notations reflects your naming convention.

If you do not follow these simple steps, we cannot guarantee inclusion of your images and articles.

Ready to send?  [button link=”mailto:” window=”yes”]Click here.[/button] (Be sure to put Journal article/Image in the subject line) Members only please!

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